
The Amazing Race is a reality TV show that challenges teams of two to race around the world and complete various tasks. The show has been running for 35 seasons, but this year, it featured a team that was unlike any other: a Deaf father and his son who is a Child of Deaf Adults (CODA).

Meet Rob and Corey McArthur

Rob McArthur is a Deaf entrepreneur from Riverside, California, who owns a coffee shop and a clothing line. He is also a motivational speaker and an advocate for the Deaf community. His son, Corey McArthur, is a CODA who works as a financial analyst in New York City. He is fluent in American Sign Language (ASL) and serves as his father’s interpreter.

The father-son duo decided to apply for The Amazing Race to challenge themselves and to represent the Deaf community on a global platform. They were selected as one of the 13 teams to compete for the grand prize of $1 million.

They Overcame the Odds

Throughout the race, Rob and Corey faced many obstacles and barriers, such as communication issues, accessibility issues, and cultural differences. They also had to deal with the stereotypes and misconceptions that some people had about Deaf people and their abilities.

However, they also had many advantages and strengths, such as their strong bond, their analytical skills, their creativity, and their resilience. They used ASL to communicate effectively and discreetly, and they also learned some basic signs in other languages to interact with the locals. They impressed the other teams and the viewers with their performance and their positive attitude.

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They Inspired Others

Rob and Corey made it all the way to the finals, becoming the first Deaf team to do so in the history of The Amazing Race. They finished in third place, but they won the hearts of millions of fans around the world. They received an overwhelming amount of support and praise from the Deaf community and beyond. They also inspired many Deaf people and CODAs to pursue their dreams and to challenge themselves.

Rob and Corey said that they were proud of their achievement and that they hoped to inspire others to see the potential and the beauty of Deaf culture and ASL. They also said that they learned a lot from the experience and that they enjoyed the adventure of a lifetime.

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