
Ossan’s Love Episode 10

In Episode 10 of the show "Ossan's Love," Heng and Mo come home and find Heng's mother there unexpectedly. She says she's there to get a sewing box, but it turns out she's actually hiding money in it. As Heng and his mother start to argue, Mo finds a notebook with the title "100 Things I Want to Do Before I Die," which makes the situation even more interesting.

Heng's mother tells him that doctors have found a tumor in her stomach. They don't know yet if it's cancerous because they are waiting for the biopsy results. While Heng reads through her bucket list, he sees that she wants to do many things with a person named Ou-noi. Heng realizes that Ou-noi is someone his mother met at a host club. One of the things his mother wishes for is to see Heng in a relationship.

At the same time, Meow and Thua-ngok celebrate being together for 100 days. Thua-ngok asks Meow to be his girlfriend, but Meow suddenly turns serious.

When Heng gets home, he's excited to tell his mom about his relationship with Mo. However, Mo insists that it's important for Heng's mom to like him first. Mo offers to help Heng's mom in the kitchen, but she already has Ou-noi helping her. Just as Heng is about to tell his mom about their relationship, he's interrupted by multiple phone calls from Thua-ngok. Finally, Ou-noi takes Heng's mom out, and as they leave, she casually tells Heng to bring his girlfriend home that night.

Heng gets to work and sees Thua-ngok crying because Meow turned him down. Thua-ngok tells Heng that Meow has someone else in her life and persuades Heng to follow Meow after work. Heng asks Mo to cover for him, and they secretly follow Meow to a restaurant. There, they are shocked to see Meow with her young daughter. To their surprise, Kongdech shows up, and together with Meow, they celebrate the girl's birthday. The little girl even calls Kongdech "Dad," which leaves Heng and Thua-ngok completely confused.

When Meow and her daughter leave for a moment, Heng and Thua-ngok take the chance to talk to Kongdech. Kongdech explains that there's been a mix-up; he and Meow have been friends for a long time, and he's the godfather of her daughter. As single parents, they often help each other out. Kongdech thinks that Meow might have turned down Thua-ngok because she was worried he wouldn't accept her daughter.

At home, Mo spends some quality time with Heng's mother. During their chat, Heng's mother asks about Heng's girlfriend, and Mo gives her a few subtle hints about their relationship. Heng's mother shows Mo the ring that Heng's father used to propose to her, which brings back some nostalgic memories. Just then, Chicha and Heng come home, adding more to the household dynamics.

Heng's mother mistakenly thinks that Chicha is Heng's girlfriend. Mo decides to go along with it and winks at Heng and Chicha to play along. Heng and Chicha reluctantly agree because Heng's mother is very happy and even emotional. During their conversation, Heng's mother reveals that Heng once wanted to ask Chicha out when they were younger, but she was always dating someone else. This surprises Mo and adds an unexpected twist to the situation.

After Heng's mother falls asleep and Chicha leaves, Heng sees that Mo is upset and asks him what's wrong. Mo admits that he feels like he's the bad guy in the story between Heng and Chicha. Heng comforts Mo, saying he doesn't need to "end up with the girl," and then leans in to kiss Mo. But just as they are about to kiss, a noise from inside the house interrupts them, leaving them both surprised.

They quickly run in and find Heng's mother in severe pain because of a stomach ache. Without wasting any time, they rush her to the hospital. On the way, she gives Heng his father's ring, which is a very emotional and significant gesture. Meanwhile, Meow asks Thua-ngok if he wants to hang out again, but he says he's busy, which makes Meow feel sad.

At the hospital, a nurse calls Heng to come inside. Before going in, Heng gives Mo his father's ring and promises to tell his mother the truth no matter what her test results are. When they find out that his mother doesn't have cancer, both Heng and Mo feel very relieved. Surprisingly, the stomach ache was caused by too much lime soda, which Heng's mother had read online could cure cancer. Heng gets frustrated and scolds his mother, but she hugs him tightly, which calms him down and makes him feel better.

A week later, Heng still hasn't found the right time to tell his mother the truth. When Heng and Mo get to work, they see that Meow is dealing with her recent breakup by throwing herself into her work. Worried about her, Mo and Heng convince her to take a break and go out with them to a club that night. They hope it will cheer her up and give her a break from her worries.

Later that night, the whole team, along with Heng's mother, go to her regular host club, where she first met Ou-noi, one of the charming male hosts there. As they settle in, Meow doesn't seem impressed with any of the hosts. Just when it looks like the night might be disappointing for her, Heng calls for the last host—and to everyone's surprise, it's Thua-ngok!

Kongdech steps up and announces that Thua-ngok planned the surprise for Meow. Mo then shares that Thua-ngok has started a new job to better support Meow and her daughter. With heartfelt determination, Thua-ngok gets down on one knee and proposes to Meow. Overjoyed, she happily says yes, marking the start of a new chapter in their lives.

The scene changes to Thua-ngok and Meow's wedding day, which is full of happiness and celebration. Heng and Mo give emotional speeches and even sing one of Thua-ngok's songs, making the event more special. After all the singing and dancing, Heng goes to tell his mother the truth about his relationship with Mo. However, she thinks he's talking about marrying Chicha and quickly pulls both of them into a family photo. Mo looks visibly upset, thinking about Heng's mother's earlier comments about Heng having children, which makes him feel left out.

Later, Heng says sorry to Chicha for making her part of the pretend situation and assures her that his mother will be leaving soon. However, Chicha admits that she still has feelings for Heng, which makes her visibly upset. To comfort her, Heng hugs Chicha, but Mo sees this tender moment, creating an awkward and emotional situation.

As Heng's mother gets ready for her global vacation with Ou-noi, she warmly says goodbye to Mo and thanks him for being such a good friend to Heng. That night, Mo tries to wear the ring Heng gave him but accidentally drops it. When Heng tries to help find it, Mo gets frustrated and snaps at him. With a heavy heart, Mo gives the ring back to Heng and suggests that they should break up, leaving Heng heartbroken.

Heng keeps asking Mo why he's acting like this, and Mo finally breaks down, saying he's hurting. Mo thinks they have nothing in common and will eventually break up. Heng, desperate to save their relationship, clings to Mo and tells him he loves him. But Mo stays firm and says he doesn't want to love Heng anymore, then walks away, leaving Heng heartbroken and alone.

In the final scene of Episode 10 of "Ossan's Love," Mo and Heng are practicing their speeches for Meow's wedding. As they rehearse, they naturally start making their own heartfelt speeches, talking about the things they admire in each other. The moment becomes tender and intimate, leading to a passionate kiss that shows their deep connection and love.

The Episode Review

Episode 10 of "Ossan's Love" is one of the most emotional episodes of the season. The suspense around Heng's mother's illness keeps everyone on edge, and all the characters feel the stress. The episode does a great job of showing Mo's emotional journey, illustrating how little things—like the ring and casual comments about girlfriends and children—gradually weigh on him. These pressures eventually push Mo to his breaking point, leading to his heartbreaking decision to end his relationship with Heng.

At the same time, the logic seems off. Mo started the whole pretend situation with Chicha, even though he knew what Heng really wanted. Meanwhile, Heng looked ready to tell his mom the truth earlier in the episode but delays it for no clear reason later on. The reasons for his hesitation are not explained, leaving viewers confused. Additionally, the couple's lack of communication makes things more tense, highlighting the problems in their relationship.

Thua-ngok and Meow's storyline feels rushed. We haven't seen much of their relationship developing, so the big proposal and wedding seem more like filler to extend Heng and Mo's story. However, the episode includes a charming song and dance sequence with the main characters, and an unexpected appearance by Drake, which adds a delightful touch.
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